
苏州 [切换]   苏州家教 24小时在线提交家教需求
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  J教员 注册编号为:J29275      
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 English        等级:汉语流利
 I have received my middle school, high school, college and graduate school education in the United states, and graduated from a top university and a top graduate school in America. I have taken AP, SAT, SAT subject tests for my college admission. I am fluent in both Chinese and English, which would make it easier for the clients to understand.
 Jenny EDUCATION Columbia University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, New York, NY M.A in East Asian Languages and Cultures Expected graduation date: February 2012 Thesis topic: History and Archeology of the Ancient Kingdom of Wu Cornell University, College of Arts and Sciences, Ithaca, NY May 2009 B.A, double major in History and Asian Studies Magna Cum Laude in Asian Studies Honors thesis topic: Fatherhood in Chinese Mythologies Tottenville High School, Staten Island, NY May 2005 WORK Columbia University Tutoring and Translating Agency EXPERIENCE Freelance Chinese-English Translator March 2010 – Present ● Worked as a Chinese –English translator for ABC World News on a special project on China ● Transcribed an interview of Gold-winning Olympics figure skaters from Chinese to English for a documentary film ● Translated the brochure of Columbia University’s Weatherhead East Asian Institute into Chinese ● Translated for visiting speakers for Columbia University seminars ● Translated documents ranging from marriage certificates to diplomas Cornell University Kroch Library Library Assistant September 2008- May 2009 • Entered data using Microsoft office, excel and other software such as Voyage • Processed new books by performing tasks such as cataloging, labeling, shelving • Assisted librarians with preparing for conference by performing tasks such as emailing guest speakers, purchasing supplies NYC Government (Special Narcotics Prosecutors) Legal Intern May-August 2007 • Assisted graduate interns in legal research, such as searching for sections relevant to the cases from legal handbooks and documents • Prepared and organized materials for trials, including transcribing tapes into written documents, taking pictures of the crime scenes, and indexing indictment materials • Conducted background check on around 50 defendants and suspects utilizing online resources Cornell University Mann Library (Interlibrary Loan Department) Library Assistant September 2006-May 2007 • Researched for and applied copyright policies to requested materials • Provided requested material to graduate students conducting research, utilizing online catalogs and printed materials VOLUNTEER Rural China Education Foundation WORK Rural village volunteer teacher June - July 2008 • Worked with volunteers and local teachers to design curriculum for students • Taught over 50 students various subjects and graded their homework • Communicated with students’ families by home visiting
订单号 年级科目 状态
编号 可教授科目 所在高校 资历
JY19612 小学全科、初中数学、初中英 南京师范大学 本科
JY7526 初中数理化、 苏州大学 硕士
J21226 小学英语、初一初二英语、高 苏州大学 本科
J19393 初中全科、 苏州市职业大学 大专
JY18400 小学数学、初中物理、初中数 咸宁学院 本科